HealthWave Hosted: Add-Update New Items
Note: It is recommended that you check the Automation Center for this message on a daily basis. If ignored, the Location and/or Appointment Type details that patients need for their appointment will be missing from your outgoing message. Also, patients who have appointments with new Providers will not be contacted until the Providers are enabled. If you are using the Additional Filter feature, all new items will be contacted until adjusted.
To proactively add Providers, Locations, Appointment Types, and/or Additional Filter items to your HealthWave system, schedule a sample appointment in your practice management software containing the new items for the next appointment date to be contacted. When the data file is created for that date, the sample appointment will be exported along with the other appointments for that day. Once HealthWave imports the file and detects the new items, follow the aforementioned instructions to identify and configure them.