PhoneTree (VoiceWave) Premium: Save and Re-use My Messages
If you wish to use a message you created in a different PhoneTree icon, you will need to copy your messages with Windows® Explorer. They are located in the following directory on your startup drive: "C:\Program Files\PhoneTree MVPu\MVP1\*001\Msgs" (*use the folder corresponding to the PhoneTree icon where you created the messages you wish to copy). For example, if you want to copy messages that you created in the PhoneTree 7 icon, you need to look in folder 007 -> Msgs for the messages. Then copy the message(s) into the folder corresponding to the PhoneTree that you wish to use. For example, if you wish to re-use these messages in the PhoneTree 5 icon, you need to paste the messages into folder 005 -> Msgs. Once you have done this, your messages will appear in the drop-down menu on the Call Wizard Message recordings screen.
See pages 72-81 of the VoiceWave Series User Guide - right-click on the link and select "Save Target As" or "Save link as").