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Error: "NewJobDB: 3204 Database already exists."

This error is a result of the VoiceWave Premium software trying to launch without Administrator access while User Account Control (a security feature in Windows Vista and Windows 7 designed to warn users when a program needs to make a change) is enabled. To prevent this error from recurring, the Run as administrator setting will need to be enabled for the VoiceWave Premium software.
  1. Right-click on the Windows taskbar (located at the very bottom of your screen) and select Start Task Manager.
  2. Click the Processes tab.
  3. Under the Image Name column, right-click on PhoneTreeMVPu.exe (or PhoneTreeMVPu.exe *32 for 64-bit systems), then select End Process.
  4. A screen will appear, asking �Do you want to end �PhoneTreeMVPu.exe�?� Click End process.
  5. Close the Windows Task Manager by clicking File > Exit Task Manager.
  6. On your desktop, right-click on the PhoneTree shortcut icon and select Properties.
  7. Click the Shortcut tab.
  8. Click Advanced.
  9. Enable Run as administrator. Then, click OK.
  10. Back on the PhoneTree Properties screen, click OK.
  11. A screen will appear, stating �You will need to provide administrator permission to change these settings.� Click Continue.
  12. Repeat steps 6-11 for any additional Windows user accounts used to operate the VoiceWave Premium system.
  13. Launch the VoiceWave Premium software.
Now, each time VoiceWave Premium is launched, User Account Control will prompt the following message �Do want to allow the following program from an unknown publisher to make changes to this computer?� Click Yes to proceed.

Note: Enabling the Run as administrator setting is a one-time setup and does not need to be repeated unless the VoiceWave Premium software has been updated or reinstalled.

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