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PhoneTree (VoiceWave): Stop Calling After Reaching a Set Number of People

VoiceWave has the capability to call a list of people to ask them for a "9" touch-tone reply (or "Y," for "Yes"), then once it reaches a set number of people who pressed "9'" it will stop calling. This feature is sometimes called, "Count Replies Mode" and is great for seeking a limited number of volunteers, because once you receive the desired number of people willing to help, calling will stop for that job and VoiceWave will then be available for another job. Here's how to enable this feature:
  1. Exit the Call Center by clicking on PhoneTree. A screen may appear asking "You are about to pause calling. Do you wish to continue?" Click Yes. Please note: A paused message job can be resumed by clicking back on the Call Center tab.
  2. Click on the PhoneTree icon to access your list.
  3. Once the List Editor screen appears, click the Options icon from the top toolbar.
  4. Click on the Call Settings tab.
  5. Enable Count "9" replies and stop calls. Then, enter the desired number of replies.
  6. Click OK.
Now use Easy Call or the Call Wizard to record your message in the usual way. Be sure to ask for the "9" reply in your message. For instance: "Hi, this is Sue calling from the church. A water pipe burst in the basement and we need ten people to come over right away to help clean up. Please press "9" now if you can help. Thanks so much!" Now, for the next call session you start with this PhoneTree, it will collect the replies, count the "9" replies, and when it reaches the number of "9" replies you specified, it will stop calling for this message job.

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Note: You must have an active annual service agreement to receive support. To check on the status of your agreement, please call 800.951.8733 ext.1112.

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