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To add a new Practice to your HealthWave system, please contact
PhoneTree Client Support using our Contact Support form to place your request. Once you receive confirmation that the new Practice is available, follow these steps to configure it:
- Exit the Automation Center by clicking on Configure.
- Click the Account Registration icon.
- Update your account by entering the Practice Description and Email Address(es) associated with each Practice.
- When finished, click OK.
- Click the Flexible Applications: Options icon.
On the Practice Selection screen, click the drop-down menu to select the Practice you wish to configure and click Next. Follow the instructions outlined in "Configurations: Flexible Applications: Message" and "Configurations: Basic Applications" chapters of the HealthWave (Hosted) User Guide (right-click on the link and select "Save Target As" or "Save link as") to configure your new Practice and create your messages.
- Re-launch the Automation Center by clicking on Automation from any HealthWave desktop view.