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HealthWave: How do I add a Practice?

If your HealthWave system is Multi-Practice enabled, follow these steps to add a new Practice:
  1. Exit the Call Center by clicking on Configure (Note: If calls are currently being placed, HealthWave will wait for those calls to finish before exiting the Call Center).
  2. Click the Flexbile Applications: Options icon.
  3. On the Practice Selection screen, choose Add Practice and enter the Practice name. Next, follow the instructions outlined in the "Configurations: Flexible Applications: Message" and "Configurations: Basic Applications" chapters of the HealthWave Desktop: HealthWave (Desktop) User Guide (right-click on the link and select "Save Target As" or "Save link as") to configure and create your new Practice and messages. Note: If the Practice Selection screen does not appear, please contact PhoneTree Client Support using our Contact Support form to enable the Multi-Practice setting.
  4. Re-launch the Call Center by clicking on Call Center from any HealthWave desktop view.

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Support technicians are available Monday-Friday, 8:30am-5:30pm ET. Use the “Contact Support” link below to submit a ticket, or you may call us at 800.555.0559.

Note: You must have an active annual service agreement to receive support. To check on the status of your agreement, please call 800.951.8733 ext.1112.

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