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PhoneTree (VoiceWave) Premium: Play a Different Message On Answering Machines

While using the Call Wizard, select Machine as one of the types of messages to send. This will allow you to create a separate message that will only be delivered to answering machines and most voice mail systems.

Download the VoiceWave Series User Guide or 2100/2500/3500 User Guide (right-click on the link and select "Save Target As" or "Save link as"). The instructions for your solution can be found on the following pages:
  • PhoneTree (VoiceWave): pages 47-49
  • PhoneTree (VoiceWave) Plus: pages 58-62
  • PhoneTree (VoiceWave) Premium: see pages 75-81
  • 2100/2500/3500: Refer to your model's chapter

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Note: You must have an active annual service agreement to receive support. To check on the status of your agreement, please call 800.951.8733 ext.1112.

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